Interior Decoration  

Specialising in hand-stitched window treatments, bed draperies and pelmets, soft furnishings and upholstery, with a passionate focus on craftsmanship and traditional skills. 

Our aesthetic is a contemporary and vibrant country house look: taking inspiration from English and French decorating styles. 

We create a relaxed elegance with the judicious employment of exquisite fabrics and textiles, bespoke furniture, art, antiques and unique decorative accessories. 

“There was this world that I could change to my own advantage and pleasure, and that’s when I started what is called interior decorating now.”  Robert Kime 

“There was this world that I could change to my own advantage and pleasure, and that’s when I started what is called interior decorating now.” Robert Kime 

Projects throughout the UK and internationally, focusing on: 

Curtains and blinds hand-stitched using traditional methods 
Fabric and Textiles 
Drapery and upholstery for four poster beds 
Bed testers and window pelmets 
Machine stitched voiles and sheer window treatments 
Bed valances and bed throws 

Imella Collection 

Browse the Imella Collection to purchase from our range of unique decorative accessories and beautiful hand crafted furniture for the home. 

Fine Fabrics 

Through our long established trade accounts we can provide you with the most sought after fine fabrics, crafted by the top major fabric houses and textile merchants.